On Friday, December 2, 2011, over 40 students took part in a campus job fair training event called 911 Emergency Job Fair. According to the event organizer Business Program Chair, Angela River, “The urgency of the event was to promote student awareness of necessary interviewing skills now.”
Students who attended met with over a dozen employment service experts to critique their interviewing skill set. Various stations throughout campus offered mock-interviews, resume critiques, and online employment database registration assistance.
According to Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Management Analyst Supervisor, Tim Schneider, “The students were very impressive.” The students who were the most impressive earned the right to a golden ticket. The golden ticket allowed students to come back the following week and actually interview with several hiring employers on campus.
Nearly 20 students then returned to campus on Friday, December 9 and used their golden ticket to meet with employers from the health, business, and technology fields. “The interviews went really well and, even more so, were excellent preparation and training” according to medical billing and insurance coding student Melissa Buzza. Herzing Toledo Career Development Specialist, Amy Wexler, said several of the students have already been contacted for second interviews.