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How Much Can a Social Worker Make?
Discover the average social worker salary by state, including estimates for mental health, medical, and child, family, and school social workers.
Social worker salary breakdown
The average annual salary for social workers depends on several factors, including the specialty in which you work, employer-specific pay grades, and state in which you practice. Social workers in a healthcare environment, such as a hospital social worker, will typically earn a different average salary than those who work in behavioral health or family services.
Keep in mind the salary figures presented below do not represent starting figures for entry-level positions. These are average salaries for social workers across all educational/experience levels.
Social worker salary by state
Average salaries can vary widely by the state in which you practice. The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides average salary estimates for three unique types of social work specialties:
Child, family, and school social workers average salary by state*
Average salary | Median salary | |||
State | Per hour | Per year | Per hour | Per year |
Alabama | $21.48 | $44,670 | $19.86 | $41,310 |
Alaska | $30.46 | $63,370 | $28.77 | $59,840 |
Arizona | $21.52 | $44,760 | $20.70 | $43,060 |
Arkansas | $20.27 | $42,160 | $19.59 | $40,740 |
California | $31.90 | $66,340 | $30.10 | $62,610 |
Colorado | $28.33 | $58,930 | $25.99 | $54,070 |
Connecticut | $34.60 | $71,970 | $36.07 | $75,020 |
Delaware | $22.09 | $45,950 | $20.51 | $42,650 |
District of Columbia | $33.65 | $69,980 | $30.64 | $63,740 |
Florida | $23.99 | $49,910 | $22.21 | $46,200 |
Georgia | $22.97 | $47,790 | $20.82 | $43,310 |
Hawaii | $30.71 | $63,880 | $29.00 | $60,330 |
Idaho | $25.82 | $53,700 | $24.52 | $51,010 |
Illinois | $29.20 | $60,740 | $27.41 | $57,010 |
Indiana | $23.05 | $47,940 | $20.84 | $43,350 |
Iowa | $24.74 | $51,460 | $22.38 | $46,560 |
Kansas | $24.08 | $50,080 | $22.47 | $46,740 |
Kentucky | $21.98 | $45,710 | $20.92 | $43,510 |
Louisiana | $24.33 | $50,600 | $25.81 | $53,680 |
Maine | $29.69 | $61,760 | $29.27 | $60,880 |
Maryland | $32.14 | $66,850 | $30.56 | $63,570 |
Massachusetts | $27.58 | $57,370 | $26.52 | $55,170 |
Michigan | $25.85 | $53,760 | $24.89 | $51,780 |
Minnesota | $31.00 | $64,490 | $30.57 | $63,590 |
Mississippi | $18.58 | $38,650 | $17.45 | $36,300 |
Missouri | $19.83 | $41,240 | $18.63 | $38,750 |
Montana | $20.85 | $43,360 | $19.66 | $40,890 |
Nebraska | $21.25 | $44,200 | $19.21 | $39,960 |
Nevada | $28.44 | $59,160 | $26.80 | $55,740 |
New Hampshire | $27.18 | $56,520 | $25.73 | $53,520 |
New Jersey | $36.34 | $75,590 | $35.93 | $74,730 |
New Mexico | $25.41 | $52,860 | $22.00 | $45,760 |
New York | $33.99 | $70,690 | $31.54 | $65,600 |
North Carolina | $24.24 | $50,420 | $23.32 | $48,510 |
North Dakota | $29.27 | $60,880 | $29.12 | $60,580 |
Ohio | $23.45 | $48,780 | $22.56 | $46,930 |
Oklahoma | $24.55 | $51,070 | $22.26 | $46,310 |
Oregon | $28.55 | $59,390 | $27.39 | $56,970 |
Pennsylvania | $25.11 | $52,230 | $23.33 | $48,520 |
Rhode Island | $31.95 | $66,460 | $31.37 | $65,250 |
South Carolina | $21.58 | $44,890 | $21.73 | $45,190 |
South Dakota | $22.46 | $46,710 | $21.94 | $45,640 |
Tennessee | $23.53 | $48,940 | $22.73 | $47,280 |
Texas | $23.95 | $49,810 | $23.75 | $49,400 |
Utah | $26.99 | $56,140 | $23.03 | $47,900 |
Vermont | $26.36 | $54,820 | $25.65 | $53,350 |
Virginia | $28.62 | $59,530 | $25.02 | $52,040 |
Washington | $30.19 | $62,800 | $29.73 | $61,830 |
West Virginia | $19.77 | $41,110 | $17.84 | $37,110 |
Wisconsin | $24.49 | $50,950 | $23.15 | $48,150 |
Wyoming | $22.91 | $47,640 | $21.93 | $45,620 |
Guam | $18.87 | $39,240 | $17.56 | $36,530 |
Puerto Rico | $17.20 | $35,780 | $15.80 | $32,860 |
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.* |
Healthcare social workers average salary by state*
Average salary | Median salary | |||
State | Per hour | Per year | Per hour | Per year |
Alabama | $24.78 | $51,540 | $24.56 | $51,080 |
Alaska | $32.90 | $68,430 | $31.75 | $66,040 |
Arizona | $30.35 | $63,130 | $29.70 | $61,770 |
Arkansas | $27.23 | $56,630 | $28.02 | $58,270 |
California | $42.49 | $88,380 | $38.84 | $80,790 |
Colorado | $28.04 | $58,310 | $27.45 | $57,090 |
Connecticut | $35.44 | $73,720 | $36.61 | $76,150 |
Delaware | $27.93 | $58,100 | $28.43 | $59,120 |
Florida | $26.57 | $55,270 | $26.08 | $54,240 |
Georgia | $27.71 | $57,640 | $26.82 | $55,790 |
Hawaii | $34.93 | $72,660 | $36.72 | $76,380 |
Idaho | $29.62 | $61,610 | $30.11 | $62,630 |
Illinois | $28.38 | $59,030 | $28.89 | $60,080 |
Indiana | $27.47 | $57,150 | $26.72 | $55,580 |
Iowa | $27.85 | $57,920 | $28.04 | $58,310 |
Kansas | $29.01 | $60,340 | $29.00 | $60,310 |
Kentucky | $27.06 | $56,280 | $26.78 | $55,710 |
Louisiana | $28.76 | $59,830 | $28.84 | $59,990 |
Maine | $29.05 | $60,430 | $29.10 | $60,530 |
Maryland | $28.36 | $58,980 | $28.57 | $59,420 |
Massachusetts | $31.46 | $65,440 | $29.31 | $60,970 |
Michigan | $28.55 | $59,390 | $28.35 | $58,970 |
Minnesota | $30.81 | $64,080 | $30.07 | $62,550 |
Mississippi | $26.33 | $54,760 | $24.54 | $51,040 |
Missouri | $24.80 | $51,580 | $22.69 | $47,190 |
Montana | $27.56 | $57,320 | $28.17 | $58,600 |
Nebraska | $26.12 | $54,340 | $26.03 | $54,140 |
Nevada | $33.63 | $69,940 | $31.91 | $66,370 |
New Hampshire | $34.23 | $71,200 | $33.33 | $69,320 |
New Jersey | $34.45 | $71,660 | $34.13 | $70,980 |
New Mexico | $30.38 | $63,180 | $29.31 | $60,960 |
New York | $29.06 | $60,440 | $26.40 | $54,910 |
North Carolina | $30.34 | $63,110 | $29.19 | $60,710 |
North Dakota | $28.31 | $58,890 | $29.08 | $60,490 |
Ohio | $28.71 | $59,720 | $28.95 | $60,210 |
Oklahoma | $25.49 | $53,020 | $23.28 | $48,420 |
Oregon | $37.09 | $77,150 | $37.59 | $78,190 |
Pennsylvania | $30.01 | $62,410 | $29.19 | $60,710 |
Rhode Island | $35.63 | $74,110 | $36.89 | $76,730 |
South Carolina | $28.50 | $59,270 | $28.70 | $59,690 |
South Dakota | $23.54 | $48,950 | $21.87 | $45,490 |
Tennessee | $25.63 | $53,320 | $23.57 | $49,030 |
Texas | $30.05 | $62,500 | $29.77 | $61,910 |
Utah | $32.72 | $68,050 | $31.81 | $66,160 |
Vermont | $31.39 | $65,290 | $30.12 | $62,650 |
Virginia | $27.68 | $57,570 | $28.34 | $58,950 |
Washington | $34.27 | $71,270 | $35.33 | $73,490 |
West Virginia | $27.37 | $56,940 | $28.47 | $59,220 |
Wisconsin | $29.38 | $61,110 | $28.85 | $60,010 |
Wyoming | $29.22 | $60,780 | $28.53 | $59,340 |
Guam | $23.37 | $48,600 | $22.74 | $47,300 |
Puerto Rico | $16.22 | $33,730 | $15.07 | $31,350 |
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.* |
Mental health and substance abuse social workers average salary by state*
Average salary | Median salary | |||
State | Per hour | Per year | Per hour | Per year |
Alabama | $17.70 | $36,810 | $17.52 | $36,450 |
Alaska | $27.71 | $57,640 | $24.63 | $51,240 |
Arizona | $21.84 | $45,420 | $19.98 | $41,560 |
Arkansas | $21.82 | $45,380 | $20.20 | $42,010 |
California | $39.29 | $81,720 | $38.24 | $79,530 |
Colorado | $27.14 | $56,460 | $24.32 | $50,580 |
Connecticut | $38.02 | $79,080 | $35.00 | $72,790 |
Delaware | $25.37 | $52,770 | $23.44 | $48,750 |
District of Columbia | $35.09 | $72,990 | $34.93 | $72,650 |
Florida | $22.85 | $47,520 | $22.16 | $46,090 |
Georgia | $25.75 | $53,570 | $23.06 | $47,960 |
Hawaii | $31.38 | $65,270 | $31.69 | $65,920 |
Idaho | $24.06 | $50,030 | $22.05 | $45,860 |
Illinois | $26.38 | $54,870 | $22.41 | $46,610 |
Indiana | $22.97 | $47,770 | $22.15 | $46,080 |
Iowa | $23.96 | $49,850 | $22.05 | $45,870 |
Kansas | $24.39 | $50,730 | $23.08 | $48,000 |
Kentucky | $21.68 | $45,080 | $19.02 | $39,560 |
Louisiana | $22.39 | $46,580 | $21.85 | $45,440 |
Maine | $33.13 | $68,900 | $32.23 | $67,040 |
Maryland | $26.86 | $55,880 | $23.71 | $49,320 |
Massachusetts | $27.34 | $56,860 | $24.82 | $51,630 |
Michigan | $25.53 | $53,110 | $24.29 | $50,520 |
Minnesota | $32.32 | $67,230 | $31.11 | $64,700 |
Mississippi | $20.85 | $43,360 | $19.87 | $41,330 |
Missouri | $21.14 | $43,980 | $19.97 | $41,540 |
Montana | $20.09 | $41,790 | $17.81 | $37,040 |
Nebraska | $19.11 | $39,750 | $18.37 | $38,210 |
Nevada | $26.33 | $54,760 | $27.96 | $58,160 |
New Hampshire | $31.62 | $65,760 | $30.35 | $63,130 |
New Jersey | $44.64 | $92,850 | $37.47 | $77,930 |
New Mexico | $25.19 | $52,390 | $25.16 | $52,330 |
New York | $38.32 | $79,700 | $36.13 | $75,150 |
North Carolina | $25.93 | $53,940 | $25.00 | $52,010 |
North Dakota | $27.08 | $56,320 | $26.30 | $54,700 |
Ohio | $23.57 | $49,020 | $19.68 | $40,940 |
Oklahoma | $19.40 | $40,360 | $17.43 | $36,250 |
Oregon | $26.14 | $54,370 | $23.92 | $49,760 |
Pennsylvania | $22.29 | $46,360 | $21.18 | $44,040 |
Rhode Island | $29.55 | $61,460 | $30.03 | $62,460 |
South Carolina | $22.59 | $46,990 | $22.40 | $46,590 |
South Dakota | $21.58 | $44,890 | $21.13 | $43,960 |
Tennessee | $20.22 | $42,070 | $19.25 | $40,040 |
Texas | $21.20 | $44,100 | $18.98 | $39,470 |
Utah | $32.75 | $68,130 | $19.85 | $41,290 |
Vermont | $26.96 | $56,080 | $23.82 | $49,540 |
Virginia | $26.28 | $54,660 | $23.35 | $48,570 |
Washington | $28.01 | $58,250 | $26.68 | $55,490 |
West Virginia | $17.53 | $36,450 | $15.28 | $31,790 |
Wisconsin | $25.42 | $52,860 | $23.84 | $49,590 |
Wyoming | $26.23 | $54,560 | $23.05 | $47,950 |
Puerto Rico | $13.30 | $27,660 | $11.14 | $23,170 |
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.* |
Social workers, all other average salary by state*
Average salary | Median salary | |||
State | Per hour | Per year | Per hour | Per year |
Alaska | $29.37 | $61,090 | $24.75 | $51,480 |
Arizona | $30.00 | $62,410 | $28.28 | $58,830 |
Arkansas | $25.70 | $53,460 | $19.19 | $39,910 |
California | $33.43 | $69,530 | $29.90 | $62,200 |
Colorado | $26.44 | $55,000 | $23.40 | $48,670 |
Connecticut | $35.28 | $73,390 | $31.62 | $65,770 |
Delaware | $32.02 | $66,600 | $30.25 | $62,920 |
District of Columbia | $38.23 | $79,520 | $42.03 | $87,420 |
Florida | $26.92 | $55,990 | $25.25 | $52,520 |
Georgia | $32.26 | $67,100 | $33.59 | $69,870 |
Hawaii | $36.67 | $76,280 | $40.85 | $84,970 |
Idaho | $26.99 | $56,150 | $20.03 | $41,660 |
Illinois | $31.55 | $65,630 | $32.03 | $66,620 |
Indiana | $34.06 | $70,840 | $35.01 | $72,820 |
Iowa | $32.55 | $67,710 | $35.11 | $73,030 |
Kansas | $37.79 | $78,610 | $38.63 | $80,350 |
Kentucky | $31.02 | $64,530 | $33.95 | $70,620 |
Louisiana | $30.03 | $62,460 | $31.13 | $64,750 |
Maine | $27.89 | $58,000 | $25.15 | $52,320 |
Maryland | $32.69 | $68,000 | $29.87 | $62,130 |
Massachusetts | $35.69 | $74,220 | $35.92 | $74,710 |
Michigan | $30.86 | $64,200 | $28.95 | $60,220 |
Minnesota | $32.67 | $67,960 | $31.63 | $65,780 |
Mississippi | $29.95 | $62,300 | $26.31 | $54,720 |
Missouri | $25.34 | $52,700 | $19.31 | $40,160 |
Montana | $24.63 | $51,230 | $20.79 | $43,240 |
Nebraska | $30.36 | $63,140 | $28.10 | $58,450 |
Nevada | $34.53 | $71,820 | $30.41 | $63,250 |
New Jersey | $32.23 | $67,030 | $31.71 | $65,950 |
New Mexico | $30.01 | $62,410 | $27.89 | $58,010 |
New York | $37.76 | $78,540 | $36.71 | $76,350 |
North Carolina | $30.66 | $63,770 | $33.13 | $68,910 |
North Dakota | $34.75 | $72,280 | $35.01 | $72,820 |
Ohio | $27.73 | $57,680 | $26.98 | $56,120 |
Oklahoma | $38.66 | $80,410 | $41.38 | $86,070 |
Oregon | $28.66 | $59,600 | $28.69 | $59,680 |
Pennsylvania | $35.48 | $73,800 | $36.07 | $75,030 |
Rhode Island | $40.59 | $84,430 | $41.68 | $86,690 |
South Carolina | $36.35 | $75,610 | $37.13 | $77,230 |
South Dakota | $37.13 | $77,230 | $38.15 | $79,350 |
Tennessee | $26.18 | $54,460 | $22.01 | $45,780 |
Texas | $32.93 | $68,500 | $35.01 | $72,820 |
Utah | $28.17 | $58,590 | $24.54 | $51,040 |
Vermont | $31.14 | $64,760 | $30.44 | $63,300 |
Virginia | $35.38 | $73,590 | $35.00 | $72,800 |
Washington | $39.53 | $82,220 | $40.87 | $85,010 |
West Virginia | $33.98 | $70,670 | $36.07 | $75,030 |
Wisconsin | $26.60 | $55,320 | $24.47 | $50,900 |
Puerto Rico | $20.59 | $42,840 | $17.28 | $35,940 |
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.* |
What type of social worker is paid the most?
Among the distinct social worker specialties the Bureau of Labor Statistics categorizes, Healthcare Social Workers earn the highest average salary across all states:
Average wages*
Job / career | Per hour | Per year |
Child, Family, and School Social Workers (BLS) | $28.46 | $59,190 |
Healthcare Social Workers (BLS) | $32.42 | $67,430 |
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers (BLS) | $30.71 | $63,870 |
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1. Individuals considering the Master of Social Work program should be aware that state certification/ licensure requirements and eligibility to apply for certification/licensure vary from state to state. While certification/licensure is not a requirement for certain types of jobs, in some states, it may be required for any positions titled ‘Social Worker’ and to refer to yourself as a Social Worker in professional settings.
* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.